Thanks to all of Geek Native’s patrons. This elite crew vote each month for a publisher, creator or curator to promote in the Spotlight.
Patrons can now vote in the March RPG Publisher Spotlight
Once again, Geek Native’s incredible and awesome patrons can vote for an RPG publisher, creator or curator to feature in the blog and podcast’s spotlight.
Patrons can now vote in the February RPG Publisher Spotlight
I know we’ve only just made it into January but the patron-only poll for February is now live.
Voting is open for the RPG Publisher Spotlight for January 2025!
Oh gosh! Can you believe you might be able to take part in a 2025 thing? This blogger remembers the Y2K New Year (although only through a drunken Scottish haze) and finds it hard to believe that was 25 years ago!
Voting is open for the RPG Publisher Spotlight November 2024
I know I always say it, but I always mean it, so thank you to all our patrons. Your money is spent on commissions and not technology.
Geek Native Patron gift: Teenage Oddyssey RPG
We must thank Cannon Otter Studio. This shiny new publisher is making PDF copies of Teenage Oddyssey available for patrons or anyone who signs up before the end of the month.
Voting open for the RPG Publisher Spotlight October 2024
Our patrons voted Tin Star Games into the Spotlight for October. If you’re a site supporter, you can vote for October in this private poll.
Voting open for RPG Publisher Spotlight September 2024
Can you believe we’re in August? Where has 2024 gone? It’s the Edinburgh Festival season here at Geek Native HQ but there’s still time for the RPG Publisher Spotlight.
Voting open for RPG Publisher Spotlight August 2024
Who won the July vote? The OG GM Adventures.
Voting open for RPG Publisher Spotlight July 2024
Gosh! We usually post this on the first, and it’s nearly a week late… but why? We’ve been at UK Games Expo, with loads of coverage, and are only back and human. Ganesha Games won the June vote. I better hustle to get in touch. Site supporters can vote for the July winner in this […]