A dead boy emerged from next to the wardrobe. Thirteen or thereabouts, he wore an old-fashioned green blazer, grey shorts, a mucky white shirt and a stained black tie. A buzz cut of ginger hair completed the picture.
Exclusive: Blortsyth and Fechanalt peeks as Demon Dog readies for Kickstarter revenge
Demon Dog is a Morg Borg compatible setting from Nightfall Games’ Dave Allsop and Jared Earle. These are two of the creative talent behind the grimdark and anti-capitalist SLA Industries.
A look inside: Bloodborne Lady of the Lanterns
We’ve seen the covers already and now we’ve got our first look inside Titan’s new series.
Busy Lostlorn: Free preview of Mark Rein-Hagen’s next RPG and more Jamison Stone abuse allegations
Lostlorn is a world shaped by storytelling, faerie tales, and epic quests. It is a world of the uncanny and the arcane, of immortal soul motes traveling between the sacred and the profane.
Bill & Ted Roll the Dice: Comic book series mashes AD&D with The Wyld Stallyns
Brandon Schreur has an exclusive reveal of Bill & Ted Roll the Dice’s new D&D covers.
Inu-Oh stitches together a preview with a trailer
The feature-length of Hideo Furukawa’s Tales of the Heike: Inu-Oh, the anime Inu-Oh, is due later this month. In the final run-up to that release, ASMILK Ace has released a duo-preview-trailer.
Incredible art preview of Ghostfire Gaming’s Arora 5e project
Arora, the Age of Desolation, brings a new survival system to 5e. D&D, by default, is high fantasy and not the challenge of gritty survival in a world of wilderness challenges.
Southern Gothic Horror spreads down Backroads to the City of the Arch
Geek Native has some exclusive preview material for Backroads: City of the Arch. It’s a post-apocalyptic setting that uses Backwater Games’ own game system, which you can get as a Name Your Own Price Quickstart on Itch.
Free to Download: Iconic Adventuring System preview
Alea Publishing has a Kickstarter for a deck-building TTRPG in which players build their PCs from cards as they adventure.
Revealed: The three-page table of contents from Creatures: Netherworld – Monster Compendium & Toolbox for 5E
Creatures: Netherworld is a 400-page monster compendium and toolbox for your next campaigns, featuring more than 180 illustrated creatures for all levels, including 150 entirely original ones and 30 great classics with a new spin.