Routinely Itemised is a weekly RPG news round-up with new releases, interviews, reviews, RPG tips and write-ups from around the web.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #82
New RPG releases, news from creators and publishers along with reviews, interviews and a host of new Kickstarter activity. It’s Geek Native’s weekly round-up in Routinely Itemised!
Free to Download: Name generation tables for Righteous Blood, Ruthless Blades: Wuxia Roleplaying
The RPG by Brendan Davis and Jeremy Bai was released in PDF form this December on DriveThruRPG and costs $24.70.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #60
It’s the start of the month, and the post-Gen Con Online write up… so it feels like it’s been a busy week.
Righteous Blood, Ruthless Blades: Wuxia Roleplaying to be published by Osprey Games
In the RPG, players will take on the roles of eccentric heroes who do demonstrate a profound mastery of martial arts and act as heroes, but who solve mysteries and avenge misdeeds as well.