Routinely Itemised is a look at Paizo Publishing’s product timeline, the arrival of Mythic Odysseys of Theros, freebies and RPG news from the week.
Gaming Days answer “What’s inside the Free RPG Day Kit?”
There are well over 100 different items in the box and over a dozen publishers. Quite a haul!
Humblewood the 5e birdfolk setting is coming to Roll20
You can crow-like Corvum, hawk-like Raptor, or owl-like Strig, or one of the other Humblefolk species and have Roll20 manage your stats.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #50
In Routinely Itemised this week we catch up with PaizoCon Online, find out what the D&D movie has in store and ear about “choose your own adventure” audiobooks!
Free for Roll20: Pathfinder and Starfinder adventures
For an undisclosed amount of time, you can currently add free Pathfinder and Starfinder adventures to your Roll20 account.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #49
Cancellations strike the big conventions, but there’s more happening online, and such an event might introduce a new campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons.
Tales from the Loop and the Alien RPG coming to Roll20
Harenstam says that Mutant Year Zero is a top-selling game and so we can imagine that it’ll be high on the list for the Roll20 treatment.
Zweihander signs an exclusive deal with Roll20
The highly regarded (Best Game, Product of the YEar) Zweihander has signed an exclusive deal with the virtual tabletop Roll20. The agreement covers all Zweihander d100 tabletop RPGs as well.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #48
RPG news and a newly launched RPG convention calendar to keep track of all these new projects. Catch up with Routinely Itemised.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #47
Keeping up with the latest RPG news? In this weekly round-up, Geek Native bullet points the highlights for you.