The news from last week is that Mophidius is launching a new RPG. It’s set in the Achtung! Cthulhu universe of Nazis and dark magic and will use the 2d20 system.
Genre Police: When In Rome… Steal From this column!
For a minute, let’s just stop. We’ve come a long way together. If you have read Genre Police from the very beginning, then when the article after this one comes out, you’ll have read fifty of these things. I want to take a moment to review what we’ve been doing and show you a way […]
Survival and resource management in RPG form: Tenebria: Remnant of Rome
Computer gamers with a focus on trying to stay alive and the careful management of resources are popular and big business. It’s a combination that’s rare in tabletop RPGs.
Actual crocodile armour
This is what real Roman armour looks like when it’s made from crocodile leather. It’s also Egyptian armour. This is ceremonial garb of a crocodile cult. The Romans had garrisons all over Eygpt and they took part in civic and religious events, life and raised families. This armour was found on the banks of the […]
Star Wars as ancient Roman warriors
Geek Native has featured the custom toys of Sillof before. The toymaker has a knack of coming up with interesting Star Wars mashups and the ability to turn those ideas into actual models. Since we’re looking at new Disney era of Star Wars and a new series of films let’s take a look at what […]
From the inkwell: The World through Roman eyes
From the inkwell is a series in which RPG authors get to talk directly about their own games, sharing their thoughts and discussing the creation process. In this article Brendan Davis, President of Bedrock Games, discusses Servants of Gaius. Bedrock Games products are available through Studio 2 Publishing (print) and Avalon Games (PDF); the latter […]
Inspiration for the dark Roman Britain RPG: 43AD
43AD is a roleplaying game set in Roman-controlled Britain, a game of dark horror and gritty military action. This week Geek Native published a look inside the game and in this post, we explore some sources of inspiration that author, Paul Elliott of Zozer Games, draws and recommends. Inspirational Music for 43AD Inspirational Books Simon […]
A look inside the 43AD roleplaying game
43AD is a gritty military-style game with a slice of dark horror running through it. Life is grim and the world of the native Britons is painted in dark and horrific colours. Britain is a place of fear and death, terrors and torments, and the Iron-Age tribes live with these horrors. Celtic priests, the druids, […]
Centurion – will it hold the line?
I think it’s all too easy to be mislead by a movie’s trailer these days. I wonder if as much times goes into their prep as the movie itself. That’s why I’m cautious. Centurion looks like it’s going to be a really great movie. I mean; it looks really good. We’ve action, drama, grit and […]