Amazing Adventures is a d20 game of modern adventure. Amazing Adventures uses familiar old school rules but keeps the roll high vision of later editions.
Genre Police: Notes From The Field Part 1
Every so often, I have a bad season and a series of game sessions that don’t fire how I expect them to.
Genre Police: Progress, Challenge & Growth
Ok, so let’s talk about the big elephant in the room. Plot NPCs are the people who move the plot forward.
Genre Police: Friends, NPCs And Countrymen
I want to talk about how using the word ‘NPC’ actually means a lot of things. Because each one you introduce to any RP game has an intent, role to play and ways they can expand.
Genre Police: Looking Back, Over My Shoulder
While I’ve been recently writing about the dark in games, my newest campaign has been, in fact, running a far more whimsical experience.
Genre Police: Love The One You’re With?
I was totally blindsided. I’d talked about Mage and advocated for it as a game but never pitched anything specific, compared to sitting in my kitchen as people left for a game and talking about finally running an in-person Cthulhu game. What was I to do?
Worlds Building: The Nexus Campaign
For GMs who want the feel of a lived in campaign created through their worlds building efforts, but don’t spend all their time in one place, there is another option. The nexus campaign.
Genre Police: Developing A Complex
I’ve gone through periods of going very hard and very dark in some games, not always to the games favour.
Dice Legenz tackle a D&D question: Can Introverts Play Bards?
In this guest post from Vahid Qualls, we’ll tackle a question that has caused some frustration in the D&D groups I’ve belonged to.
Genre Police: Warning, Content
Think of the worst thing and make it happen. Puncture arteries, shred flesh, go for the damn jugular.