The Critical Role Foundation has donated to the California Community Foundation’s Wildfire Recovery Fund.
Critical Role release “Winter’s Crest (A Holiday Album)” today
The album is called Winter’s Crest (A Holiday Album) and is named after the Tal’Dorei holiday. In this fantasy setting, the holiday of Winter Crest celebrates the alliance that defeated the ice elemental Errevon the Rimelord.
Um, the Critical Role trailer tempts me with heresy
Am I the only one who might need a period of adjustment?
Darrington Press: Critical Role launches RPG and tabletop games publishing company
Matt Mercer and the Critical Role team have launched their own tabletop games company Darrington Press today.
Forgotten Cisterns wins the D&D Design-A-Dungeon Core context at PAX Online
Wizards of the Coast has teamed up with Manticore Games to bring D&D to the game building Core platform.
D&D celebrities announced for PAX Online’s Panel of Legends
Manticore Games have partnered with Wizards of the Coast to bring Dungeons & Dragons to Core.
The latest Critical Role book: The World of Critical Role
Publishing giant Penguin Random House has announced they have a Critical Role book coming out later this year. Written by Liz Marsham and the cast of Critical Role, The World of Critical Role is available on pre-order for hardcover, ebook and audiobook. The illustrated guide follows the rise of Matthew Mercer, Ashley Johnson, Marisha Ray, […]