I’m impressed. Stargrave makes me wish I had a room with a decent-sized table in it. Those are dangerous thoughts.
Name your own price for RUSH, a minimalist sci-fi RPG with a 6 track digital cassette
RUSH is a 16-page, Name Your Own Price, RPG from Horoscope Zine.
Ironsworn in space: Starforged blows Kickstarter away
Tomkin Press’ sci-fi sister RPG to Shawn Tomkin’s rightfully very popular Ironsworn is a hit. The Kickstarter community is eager to back to solo RPG, which has options for co-op and guided play.
Lightweight dystopia: A review of Space Street RPG
In Space Street vast cities house humanity, beset by spying aliens, cosmic horrors, broken androids and insane criminals lurking in every dark starlit alley and dirty street.
Occupation Rainfall with Temuera Morrison gets a UK release
It’s the aftermath of an alien invasion of Earth, and the planet’s survivors are now trying to fight back on the ground.
Comets & Cockpits bring two junker space settings to 5e
Cameron Day, the co-creator of Supers & Sorcery, defines junker space fantasy as having three things; swashbuckling adventure, wide-open exploration with salvaging, and wild technology.
Orbital Blues: A space-western RPG during an era of hyper-capitalism
Characters are outlaws with a ship and crew who tussle for jobs on the backstreets of terraformed metropolises.
In the Bundle of Holding: Weird West, Dead Enders and Starship series
A new deal at the Bundle of Holding offers you a way to grab a whole bunch of books, and they’re all connected to the Birthright Universe.
Arkelon Chronicles brings alien technology to a fantasy RPG
The game is set after alien ruins are unearthed in the frozen north, which jumps the technology of the fantasy races of Arkelon forwards by hundreds of years.
Blue Planet 3e is an RPG set in humanity’s precarious future
Biohazard Games with Gallant Knight have taken the third edition of the acclaimed hard science Blue Planet RPG to Kickstarter, where it is on track to fund in hours.