The Wanderer makes for an interesting NPC in any sort of tabletop RPG.
The mega-city art of Paul Chadeisson
These 12 examples of mega-cities range from flying fortresses to gritty cyberpunk habitats.
Kickstarting Ultramodern5: Use the D&D rules for any modern campaign setting
The point of Ultramodern5 is that you can pick a modern genre and run a game in it.
A spaceship in your bag: A review of the Big Book of Sci-Fi Battle Mats
There are 60 different mats in the big book, wipe clean and sci-fi themed. Straight-away I found that the ring-binding didn’t bother me at all.
The alien races of Grimmerspace: An interview with Rone Barton
The Sundermages were once human, But they’re far far from it at this point. When you read the book, you’ll understand why the cenobites go to them for advice.
The phenomenal concept art of Marek Okon
He’s worked with companies like Warner Bros, Thunder Road pictures and 20th Century Fox.
Traveller returns! Classic sci-fi RPG uses Kickstarter to fund a new print run
Marc Miller is at the helm of the project; he was the lead designer of the original 1977 Traveller from Game Designers’ Workshop.
Spaceships and Starwyrms takes your D&D 5e to space
Pathfinder, the popular D&D alternative, has a sci-fi sister in the shape of Starfinder. What does D&D have if you want to take the core rules and bring the campaign to the far future? A new option is Starships and Starwyrms from Audrey Stolze and Benjamin Quiggins. The Kickstarter is going well, asking for US$7,000 […]
Free to Download: The Grimmerspace adventure Abattoir 8
Once the Kickstarter ends in June, this freebie goes away and will be replaced by a backers-only expanded version.
Ripped bodies and adventures in leather: A review of the John Carter of Mars RPG
I’m glad I made time for John Carter of Mars. Barsoom is a fantastic setting, and the Modiphius writing team have done it justice. The adaptation of 2d20 feels spot on too.