The latest Bundle of Holding deal includes the humorous fantasy-comedy comic book series Skullkickers, created by Jim Zub, Edwin Huang, and Misty Coats.
Dive into tabletop fantasy with this D&D, Pathfinder and Die RPG comics bundle
The digital downloads can be read as PDFs, ePub, mobi and CBZ with an opening tier of just £0.87. The deal is live until the 13th of October on Humble’s book section
Caster Bastards and the Great Grotesque: The Skullkickers 5e RPG is out
Skullkickers is a comic book series from Jim Zub and Edwin Huang. It’s a popular series, with loads and loads of stars on Amazon for the very many volumes.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #67
Routinely Itemised is Geek Native’s bullet-point summary of RPG news. Catch-up on stories on the site, from around the web as well as new releases and gaming tips.
Skullkickers get a new story and a D&D adventure RPG companion
The Skullkickers 10th-anniversary book, if successful, with be a hardcover. The story will be at least 30 pages and the D&D scenario at least 60.
Rum & Bones Kickstarter approaches half a million and adds Skullkickers
At the time of writing there’s still 5 days to jump on Cool Mini or Not’s Kickstarter for a mini-based pirate board game called Rum & Bones. There’s over $400,000 in the pot and they’ve just added Jim Zub’s Skullkicker’s characters. For more info check out campaign page. [Back this Campaign] It’s possible this board […]
Review: Is the eKit ITAB7STK a good match for the Nexus 7
I’m really enjoying my Nexus 7. This is the new and pretty cheap tablet from Google (and Asus). It runs Android and is just 7” in size. This means it’s a put it in your pocket tablet, a read it in bed tablet or have it in front of you on your computer desk. Not […]