If you’ve ever had to explain that Steve Jackson of the Fighting Fantasy series by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone is no relation to Steve Jackson of Steve Jackson Games, buckle up!
The top selling products on DriveThruRPG published in 2024
This time, the top-selling products of the year are restricted to titles published this year.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #253
Wizards of the Coast seeks new leadership as Cynthia Williams departs. Despite financial loss, Steve Jackson Games remains optimistic. Fallout TTRPG sells out, Pathfinder’s war deity faces demise, and roleplaying shows mental health benefits. Merchandise available from multiple publishers.
Terry Pratchett co-wrote the Discworld RPG, and you can get it on the cheap right now
These games hold a special place as they were created in consultation with Sir Terry Pratchett. While not strictly canon, they carry his playful spirit and offer the chance to explore the Discworld through his guidance.
Steve Jackson Games’ Dungeon Fantasy hack-n-slash TTRPGs are on offer
Dungeon Fantasy was designed to be the best of both worlds, to lure in D&D players or those dungeon-crawling curious, with off-the-shelf equipment load-outs and crib sheets while still having that core GURPS feel.
Phil Reed steps aside as CEO of Steve Jackson Games, Meredith Placko steps in
My excitement at joining the team at Steve Jackson Games is something I cannot express in words. Mostly dinosaur-esque screeching noises.
Steve Jackson has designed seeds for the Rose Labyrinth
Steve Jackson Games and Warehouse 23 have the Rose Labyrinth up on Kickstarter. It’s an adventure set of identical 24″ x 24″ gameboards designed for hex-based RPGs such as The Fantasy Trip.
Pathfinder Revolution! board game hits Kickstarter via Steve Jackson Games
Secretly bid against your opponents for control of important people and guilds, gaining influence in different regions throughout the city, as well as more gold, power, or blackmail for your war chest.
GURPS 4e bundle adds a layer of magic and fantasy
The generic RPG system that is Steve Jackson Games’ GURPS has a bundle deal. That’s a start, but hundreds of GURPS titles are beyond the core rules.
GURPS 4e offers up the RPGs essentials in a bundle
The Generic Universal Role Playing System has its own rules category on DTRPG with over 600 titles. It’s an RPG engine designed to power any game.