Update: Geek Native has been provided with a free shipping coupon for this Tarot deck! Etsy retailer Celtic Creations Store currently has 50% off their last set of Dragon Age Inquisition Tarot cards. Let’s take a look or just rush to buy them. There are 78 cards in this mint condition collection and they come […]
Are you brave enough to Enter the Shadowside: Destiny
It’s worth watching this Kickstarter pitch for Enter the Shadowside: Destiny just to hear the concept of Heirogamy discussed and what it means for gamers. Lean more on Kickstarter. [Back this Campaign] Enter the Shadowside: Destiny looks like a done deal. The team are looking for just $1,000 for their Kicsktarter and with 11 days […]
The Lord of the Rings tarot deck
The Lord of the Rings tarot deck by Scieth Ailm is rather good. The Russian artist is generous with her work, giving goodies like geeky calendars away for free on her Deviant Art page. This collection of Middle Earth art in the form of tarot cards is popular. The major arcana are drawn as characters […]
HR Giger’s Tarot of the Underworld
This deck of Tarot cards was selected by HR Giger himself. The great artist selected previously published work to act as each of the Major Arcana. The deck was published by Taschen Books in 2000 and is not hard to get hold of. You can pick up a copy from Amazon at a reasonable price. […]