In 2023, Shadowdark hit $1.3 million on Kickstarter and won multiple awards. Two years later, and Kelsey Dionne’s The Arcane Library looks set to repeat and better that tally with The Western Reaches setting.
Shadowdark RPG arrives on Fantasy Grounds VTT
The best tabletop RPGs seem to have their own moments when the groundswell of support grows large enough for everyone to notice.
D&D 5e horror: The Arcane Library bundle
These Arcane Library downloads include VTT assets and seem ideal for a Halloween-inspired one-shot if you get them in time.
Shadowdark from The Arcane Library promises a new OSR and Kickstarts in a flash
Few OSR titles do so well on Kickstarter, but Shadowdark is designed to have a broad appeal.
Free to Download: 136-page Shadowdark Quickstart set
The Arcane Library’s Shadowdark RPG quickstart is over 130 pages long and free.