The show is based on Critical Role’s first live-streamed tabletop RPG campaign. Critical Role premiered in 2015, and the voice actors took part in a D&D campaign helmed by Dungeon Master Matthew Mercer.
This dice tower might remind you of The Legend of Vox Machina’s Percy on a bad day…
Featured in Critical Role’s adult animation The Legend of Vox Machina is a mask for Percy that draws heavily on European plague doctors.
Count the F-Bombs: The Legend of Vox Machina trailer goes red band
The latest trailer for The Legend of Vox Machina is a reminder it may not be a series appropriate for young ears or disapproving grandfathers.
Um, the Critical Role trailer tempts me with heresy
Am I the only one who might need a period of adjustment?
A new behind the scenes feature previews Critical Role’s The Legend of Vox Machina
Critical Role released a length featurette that brings fans and Kickstarter backers up to date with the animated series.
Amazon picks up Critical Role’s animated ‘Legend of Vox Machina’
Amazon Prime gets the deal as an exclusive, picking up the project after a hugely successful Kickstarter campaign.