Voice actor Hank Azaria, who voices over 100 different Simpsons characters, recently gave up some of his valuable time to experiment with AI, courtesy of The New York Times. The goal? To see if AI could potentially replace him when it comes to voicing some of his iconic Simpsons characters.
Pets from geek culture transformed into old skool Tamagotchis
The Toy Zone Collectable site have turned iconic fictional pets, geek culture critters, into all-colour Tamagotchi.
The Simpsons sofa in a half-dozen conflicting contemporary styles
Last year HomeAdvisor had a ‘viral’ hit with a blog post that showed the Simpsons House in eight popular architectural styles. Design blogs lapped it up. This year the company is back with another Simspons themed marketing effort. Sadly, we don’t get illustrations this time and make do with reality. The team put together the […]
Loot Crate have an exclusive D&D collectible
Loot Crate have an exclusive D&D collectible this month. As is their usual style; they won’t say what it is. You have to sign up and cross your fingers. March’s Loot Crate is using ‘Playback’ as a theme and they’ve got stuff from Back to the Future, Sonic the Hedgehog and The Simpsons as well. […]
Do you know which voice actors did which characters? [infographic]
Fivesquid.com looks to be a river to Fivver. In other words; people will do mini projects for you for £5. Who might use such services? Busy geeks, that’s who. What might geeks be interested in? How about a family tree mapping characters to the talent behind the voices? Let’s not be too cynical; let’s enjoy […]
The Bartkira trailer creates mashup madness
Sit back and boggle as an Akira – The Simpsons mashup actually works. The idea comes from Ryan Humphrey and the animation was made possible by Kaitlin Sullivan who pitched the idea and got more than 50 artists to help with the animation. Curious? There’s a whole Bartkira.com site and a Tumblr too.
The Simpsons special: Brick Like Me
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYGSpOfIr9Y That’s right; The Simpson are doing a LEGO special and it’ll be filmed in brick. The LEGO-themed episode will air in the States, on Fox, on Sunday May 4.
Guillermo del Toro’s Simpsons title sequence
Master film maker Guillermo del Toro features many of the other horror masters in his turn at directing the famous title sequence for The Simpsons’ Treehouse of Horror episode. You can play the game of trying to spot all the references. I did that on my second watch. For my first watch I simple sat […]
Spider-pig plushie
SPIDER PIG, SPIDER PIG, Does whatever a SPIDER PIG does, Can he swing, From a web, No he can’t, He’s a pig, LOOK OOOUUUTTT!!!!, He is a SPIDER PIG!!LOOK OOOUUUTTT!!!!, He is a SPIDER PIG!! This particular Spider-pig was created by deviant artist Natalisa Serrano and looks amazing.