Roll For Good is gearing up for another charity streaming event, set to take place on May 17th and 18th.
Freaky Thursday: This Thursday, the founding Critical Role cast in a new charity one-shot
The Critical Role Foundation has donated to the California Community Foundation’s Wildfire Recovery Fund.
Dice Legenz tackle a D&D question: Can Introverts Play Bards?
In this guest post from Vahid Qualls, we’ll tackle a question that has caused some frustration in the D&D groups I’ve belonged to.
Make-A-Wish’s charity call to arms for content creators
Make-A-Wish International founded the charitable streaming event in response to the significant increase in gaming-related desires from over 50 nations and the rising costs of granting those wants.
Critical Role will game with Stephen Colbert for Red Nose Day
The Critical Role team have curated several options for Stephen’s character, like a Fighting Fantasy book, and the audience making donations pick the option.
Unofficial Lord of the Rings marathon Minecraft charity stream will feature some movie cast
To support the charity No Kid Hungry, prolific YouTube Minecraft host ImpulseSV will stream for 24 hours and recreate parts of the Lord of the Rings movies on the server.
Hack data reveals D&D Twitch streamer is the platform’s top moneymaker
Twitch has confirmed the total security breach. It’s time to change your password.
TPK Roleplay and DND Elise team up for #WomenInGaming stream
On the 20th of June, at Twitch’s TPKroleplay there will be a special collaboration with Through the Veil project lead DND Elise.
Gamers fight loneliness with the British Red Cross
Operation Anti-Loneliness not only recognises that people of all ages have a real challenge with their loneliness that should be taken seriously and that gaming, and the community around us, can help.
One More Multiverse: New launch challenges definition of tabletop roleplaying
One More Multiverse creates a JRPG style world in a 2.5D environment with health metres above monsters and shops to visit. As it implies, this is all the creation of a GM guiding a party through their adventure.