Torg Eternity, a reboot of Torg: Roleplaying the Possibility Wars (1990), was published in 2018. Seven High Lords from parallel realities have invaded Earth and divided it among themselves, transforming each part to reflect their own reality’s axioms.
A new Dark Eye megabundle offers a platinum-bestselling RPG
There’s a new megabundle of The Dark Eye content available through Monday, the 10th of July, on the Bundle of Holding.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #201
Routinely Itemised is Geek Native’s weekly summary of RPG news. This week we lookat Kickstarter activity, what D&D is up to on screens, new deals, releases, interviews and headlines.
Sigil Services snapped up by Ulisses Spiele for VTT skills in a deal with Pinnacle Entertainment involved
Interesting news from a growing aspect of tabletop gaming this evening as Ulisses Spiele announces its acquisition of Sigil Services.
HeXXen 1733 English language RPG teased by Ulisses Spiele
While the game may be set in the past, the design sensibilities of HeXXen 1733 are very much in the now.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #147
We can see many exciting bundles, Hasbro hanging on to Wizards of the Coast, and if you’re a fan of the news reading minotaur, there’s a chance to win him in the UK.
Forgotten Fables – Wolves on the Westwind: Ulisses Spiele’s VTT team have been working on a Dark Eye computer game
The first computer game release from Ulisses Spiele and Owned by Gravity will be the visual novel set in Aventuria, the setting for the RPG The Dark Eye.
Fight in the Possibility Wars: Ulisses Spiele launches two Torg bundles across three tiers
There are two Torg bundles at the Bundle of Holding with three tiers on offer.
DriveThruRPG publishers put together incredible bundle deals to support the Kentucky Tornado Relief
The Western Kentucky Tornado Relief bundles are a coordinated response from OneBookShelf and DriveThruRPG publishers.
Fading Suns sails into New Frontiers
Ulisses Spiele uses the term “space Vikings” to describe the people from the Star Nations, a diverse group, who are divided and potentially vulnerable to the empire.