D&D have released an Unearthed Arcana of Feywild races.
Unearthed Arcana: D&D’s Gothic Lineages offers up undead race options
This racebook follows Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything and lacks Ability Score increase trait, Language and Alignment. You can be a good Dhampir if it makes narrative sense.
D&D: Unearthed Arcana adds College of Spirits and an Undead warlock patron
These new rules add character options for Warlocks and Bards, and both have a spooky theme.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #57
New rules for D&D as Wizards of the Coast test new feats while, behind the scenes, they recruit for a diversity manager. Alternative rules to 5e’s race system take the best-seller slot at DriveThruRPG’s big sale too.
Unearthed Arcana: 16 new official playtest D&D feats
Wizards of the Coast are officially playtesting 16 new feats.
Wizards of the Coast revise D&D playtests: Phantoms, Genies and Scribes
What do you make of this most recent update to D&D? Are these revised playtest rules an upgrade?
D&D rethinks Psi rules
The changes these optional playtest rules make go back further than the 2019 Unearthed Arcana test.
Unearthed Arcana brings magic tattoos to life for D&D
The latest round of Dungeons & Dragons playtesting from Wizards of the Coast is out. Unearthed Arcana dabbles in tattoos.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #37
The future of D&D, the possible future of D&D Beyond and enough RPG Zines from Kickstarter to break any set of shelves.
Unearthed Arcana: D&D is testing magical power armour
Wizards of the Coast has just released the third Unearthed Arcana with subclass experiments in it. The Artificer, a graduate from Unearthed Arcana itself, is included this time along with Druid and Ranger. Many gamers will be downloading and saving the PDF, I imagine, rather than bookmarking the page to come back to later. The […]