Lost Odyssey: Godfall is an actual play with Matt Mercer, Deborah Ann Woll, Felicia Day , Brandon Routh and Reggie Watts.
PAX Unplugged: Return of the Living Dead TTRPG, film and VR
Return of the Living Dead TTRPG is slated for 2025 and will be written by Nick Lowe, adding new rules and mechanics suitable for dark humour and undead mayhem.
Jump into eight new VR games for under $25 with Humble Bundle
Looking for some new VR games to get your teeth into? If you’re anything like me, and love stepping into virtual reality, you’ll love the Get Your Head in the Game VR bundle from Humble Bundle.
Which of your geeky gadgets is most likely to hurt you?
I do like my tech. Okay, “early adopter” seems to have picked up a negative connotation these days, but I’m still happy to identify as such!
A review Demeo by Resolution Games
Even for more seasoned roleplayers like myself, the ability to just go in and get straight into the heart of the action can be a welcome relief.
Are we at the Oasis? Large scale VR MMOs
The Oasis is the alternative reality, a virtual world, that people escape to and perhaps become trapped in Ready Player One.
The Bat Bundle! Warner Bro launch the Batman Collection at Humble
It’s a video game pack, including VR, which you redeem on Steam and supports multiple OSes. There’s £135 or so worth of value in the collection so let’s look at how the tiers break down.
VR is virtually booming: Usage up 76%
Revenue in 2021 is projected to get near to 1.5 billion, and estimates from Oberlo track a 75% increase in monthly VR users over the last 5 years.
VR might help us leave lockdown, or at least cope as it leaves us
As the world spins and our reality changes, it seems likely that virtual reality will become a more extensive and more helpful part of it.
The virtual reality tabletop Dungeon Full Dive launches Kickstarter
You can slide into the tabletop and view it from a first-person perspective.