D&D Beyond founder Adam Bradford has left Demiplane to join SmiteWorks, the company that makes Fantasy Grounds.
Guillaume Tavernier brings another Collection of Fantasy Maps to Kickstarter, and Geek Native has an exclusive sample
Emerging from the unfathomable Mists of Premices, the Swallowed has always been known to the locals.
Black Scrolls map-titles offer up a Bundle of Holding deal
Imagine sprawling medieval cities bustling with life, complete with quaint village homes, towering castle ramparts, cosy inns, grand arenas, sacred cathedrals, and mysterious dungeon crypts.
Metamorphic Digital: VTT specialist Sigil rebrands
Metamorphic Digital has 25 clients and 50 staff and has worked on over 100 projects. Publishers who have used the specialist include Free League, Onyx Path and Paizo.
The MCDM RPG approaches $3,000,000 as their custom VTT unlocks
The publisher also said they’ll custom build a new virutal tabletop. That could be even more disruptive and interesting to the RPG market than a popular new core rule set.
Roll20’s Jumpgate update to VTT might mean easier integrations and more games
As new web technology such as WebGPU becomes widespread, Roll20 will be ready to take advantage of the new Jumpgate edition of their VTT.
VTTs edge to safety as Unity respond to the community backlash
There is good news: Unity has changed its mind and modified the corporate proposals. The change is significant to SmiteWorks, and Fantasy Grounds has very little to worry about.
Delta Green assets for VTTs and hand-outs all packed and on offer
Each asset pack includes 15-30 logos and stamps; each image is presented in “clean” and “dirty” versions. This allows you to create handouts that look like they came from various sources, such as a long-abandoned warehouse or a bombed-out drug lab.
Launching with pre-orders and bundle deals: Marvel does Roll20 and DTRPG differently
Marvel is back in the tabletop RPG space as the Marvel Multiverse RPG core rules are out and available on DriveThruRPG but not in the unusual way.
D&D Belongs to You: Use Foundry and Roll20 et al but not WotC’s VTT, argues 5e publisher
Chris Dias owns Dias Ex Machina and created Ultramodern5, the most successful non-fantasy book for 5th Editoins D&D not published by WOTC.