It’s been a busy year for Roll20, and the virtual tabletop has been booming on the back of the lockdown and the growth of the tabletop hobby.
Pathfinder Nexus is the new digital toolset from Paizo and Demiplane
With Pathfinder Nexus, we’re not only able to enhance overall Pathfinder gameplay, but this new toolset will also ensure that more people can experience the game than ever before.
Relic’s impressive titans transformed into animated virtual tabletop tokens [exclusive]
Geek Native has an exclusive look at the animated versions of the RPG Relic’s titans.
Astral Tabletop halts development as growth falters and founder retires
Astral Tabletop has emailed members to say that development is on hold.
LFG RPG site Demiplane signs deal with TaleSpire VTT
VTT TaleSpire and looking for group site Demiplane have announced an official partnership. There’s a new TaleSpire Looking For Group powered by Demiplane site.
The Runehammer VTT goes free, the Viking Death Squad and new hardbound Index Card RPG both get a retail release
The indie RPG studio Runehammer, the company behind the multi-world, streamlined d20 Index Card RPG has teamed up with Modiphius. As a result, ICRPG and Viking Death Squad will both head to retail.
Free League Publishing launch Mutant: Year Zero and Tales from the Loop FoundryVTT modules
The two RPG ranges follow Alien and the Forbidden Lands to the Foundry. Free League are present on several different platforms.
The complete Earthdawn 4e RPG comes to the FoundryVTT
Next in the roadmap is the Earthdawn Companion, then Questors, then Mystic Paths.
Solo adventures and a Never Ending Dungeon map set: Lifetime Memberships woo Kickstarter backers
The system procedurally generates entire dungeons and other fantasy landscapes suitable for flatscreen TVs or VTTS. They don’t get into the details, but it is also possible to have physical tiles created and sent to you.
5e Spelljammer: Wildjammer gets 100-page supplement and FoundryVTT module
This system uses a different scale of combat for ship fights and has means through which player characters can use their own attack bonus, class features, etc. to influence the way a fight goes