This week’s North of the Border video features artist Adam crafting a massive Warhammer 40k space ork figure, which I figured some of our constant readers might be interested in.
The top selling products on DriveThruRPG in 2024
The list below is a cut’n’paste of the best-selling products on DriveThruRPG this year, regardless of the year they were published.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #287
Warhammer 40K hits the screen! Amazon nabs TV rights. Plus: Firing drama at Wyrmwood, battles Funko bots, and Pendragon’s GM Handbook arrives!
Snuggle teeth! The Warhammer 40K squig blanet hoodie is a thing of beautiful warmth
In the grim darkness of the far future of Warhammer 40,000, Squigs are small, vicious creatures that are a common sight amongst the Orks.
May your Warhammer Day last (almost) all month
Warhammer Day is the 5th of October, but this Warhammer Day bundle lasts until about the 23rd of October. Fine. With. Me.
Look cool learning: A review of Warhammer 40K – The Ultimate Guide
Gavin Thorpe and Guy Haley’s DK-published Warhammer 40K: The Ultimate Guide is of exceptional value.
Henry Cavill: Which Warhammer 40k show is he actually making?
Hi there, very infrequent contributor here writing up my rambling thoughts on the likely subject matter of the much-feted Amazon TV Warhammer 40k show with Geek God with the Greek God Bod Henry Cavill.
Secret Level: Love, Death + Robots team do D&D & Warhammer series
Amazon Prime hired the studio Blur for Secret Level a game anthology series.
Operation Hivestorm: Games Workshop release explosive trailer
If you’re a T’au Empire enthusiast, an Imperium loyalist, or simply enjoy the lore and miniatures, this reveal promises exciting new developments for Kill Team. So, grab your bug spray and prepare for a thrilling ride tomorrow!
Hang a Warhammer 40K red Squig from your tree this Christmas!
Squigs are the simplest and most numerous form of Orkoid life in Warhammer 40,000.