I’m just going to touch on a few of the rules that bring the worlds of Troika! to life for me. These rules enhance the setting and fill in needed details to the implied setting.
Worldbuilding with The One Ring: Tales from the Lone-lands
While the setting and adventures contain much that makes The Lord of the Rings amazing, it is set at more of a scale to match the adventure Bilbo had in The Hobbit. Perfect for RPG world building.
Tales from the Loop: They Grow Up So Fast
In addition to adventures, They Grow Up So Fast and Our Friends the Machines cover a new setting in the world of Tales from the Loop. Norfolk Broads is a United Kingdom-based Loop.
Completely Unfathomable: NPCs Help Build a World
This month covers creating non-player characters to help build the world and bring it to life.
Year Zero Worldbuilding: Forbidden Lands – The Bloodmarch
Year Zero World Building creates campaign settings using Free League’s RPGs. This month looks at The Bloodmarch, a realm in the world of the Forbidden Lands.
YZ World Building: Coriolis – Wake of the Icons
Space intrigue and war meets Arabian Nights, the Coriolis bundle combined with Wake of the Icons provide a core rulebook and setting, and four adventures with world building extras to any GM wanting to create their own version of the Dark between the Stars.
The Lord of the Rings RPG Shire Adventures
Year Zero World Building creates campaign settings using Free League’s RPGs. The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying takes The One Ring RPG 2E and converts it to Dungeons & Dragons 5E.
YZ Worldbuilding: Ruins of Symbaroum Call of the Dark
The Bell Tolls for Kastor, The Howling of Damned Gods, and What’s Bred in the Bone all deal with religious matters. The PCs must take sides, and their decision will profoundly affect the campaign world going forward. Religion and politics are intertwined in this world, and the final adventure in particular, marries the two into a complex and dangerous scenario.
YZ Worldbuilding: Alien Trilogy
Year Zero Worldbuilding creates campaign settings using Free League’s RPGs.
Modiphius launch 2d20 World Builders third-party publisher program
The 2d20 World Builders community content program from Modiphius and DriveThruRPG provides rules and a platform for third-party publishers to create and sell content.