In the latest Kickstarter update, Levi Rosol of GM Binder announced a partnership with World Anvil.
Weird Fiction world-building with Edward Cox
A war between Scientists and Magicians nearly destroyed the world and the last of mankind is now holed up in magically/technologically protected cities.
Professional editor shares 10 common worldbuilding mistakes
Gamers are used to making up worlds as are some authors. The latter might be trying to sell their world, though, creating a franchise that’ll enable them to sell book after book. As it turns out what might cut it for a tabletop game might not be enough for book you hope to get published. […]
RPG ideas: 20 incredible concept skyscraper designs
Are you running a future or alternative world RPG? Looking for building designs that will help your world feel very different from the world of today? Good news. The design and architecture site Evolvo has ran a competition to design futuristic skycrapers every year since 2006. There are very many impressive entries. This blog post […]
Designing a game world? How big is the sun?
When you design a world for your RPG how much effort do you put into astronomy? There are many reasons why you would want to keep the sky very similar to Earth. You’d want 24 hour days and 7 day weeks unless you want players to try and memorise new calendars. You might also want […]