White Wolf is publishing World of Darkness products again and Vampire: The Masquerade 5th edition launched at Gen Con this week. But what of the company that kept the franchise alive for the last few years? Onyx Path has established itself through a series of very successful Kickstarters and quality products that fans appreciated. There’s […]
Chronicles of Darkness bundle
Here’s a chance to scoop up a load of first edition World of Darkness RPGs from White Wolf. A US $17.95 spent gets you $66 of DRM-free PDFS. You can check out the offer here. The Player Collection is the World of Darkness Rulebook 1e, World of Darkness: Armory, Armory Reloaded and Skinchangers. Beat the […]
Genre Police: Go Mythic, Or Go Home!
Welcome to Genre Police, a new series of articles where taking a look at a genre or sub-genre, how it has been handled in gaming and how we can implement that in our games. Each column, I plan to give a small toolset so that if you feel like adding a genre style or feel […]
Mark Rein•Hagen returns to Vampire
At Gen Con White Wolf announced that Mark Rein•Hagen, creator of Vampire: The Masquerade first edition, is coming back to the title. He’s joining the team developing the 5th edition of the iconic roleplaying game.  The 5th edition of Vampire is due out in early 2018 and produced under the auspeces of White Wolf’s new […]
White Wolf launch the Storytellers Vault
White Wolf have teamed up with DriveThruRPG to launch Storytellers Vault. This isn’t just a specialist site to download World of Darkness products. This is also a platform to create and sell your own non-canonical supplements. Here’s what the deal includes; Self-publishing platform. Storytellers Vault allows creators to publish tabletop RPG material or stories tying […]
A dark future: The art of Mitchell Mohrhauser
Mitch Mohrhauser is a fantastic concept artist. He’s worked for CCP before on titles like EVE: Online and World of Darkness and is currently a freelance at Square Enix. He shares his art on Facebook and, very rarely, on his blog. The sample gallery below shows a dark future where robots are casting a shadow […]
A Great Game to Read: A Review of Exalted, Third Edition
I don’t have any experience with Exalted’s previous editions, so I can’t really comment on what’s changed. All I know is this: by the time I finally finished reviewing all of Exalted: Third Edition (EX3)’s 650+ pages, I was stunned. Not just by the monumental size of this game, but it’s scope and execution. EX3 […]
The One World of Darkness is White Wolf’s future
It’s only been a few weeks since Paradox bought White Wolf from CPP and announced they would review all licensing deals. Now we know Onyx Path and fans can breathe easier as they’re named as a future partner. Lead Storyteller Martin Elricsson and CEO Tobias Sjögren took the stage to share their plans for the […]
Onyx Path holds course as the World of Darkness’ new owners review all licensing deals
Late last month the news broke that White Wolf publishing was being sold to Paradox Interactive. White Wolf, previously bought by EVE Online owners CCP, own the licenses to World of Darkness games like Vampire, Werewolf and Mage. While plans for a World of Darkness or Vampire: the Masquerade MMO began to run into trouble, progress […]
Something dangerous brews: The Onyx Path Publishing team lift the lid on Beast
Onyx Path Publishing have had a run of very successful Kickstarters, built up a loyal fan base and developed a reputation for both looking after popular RPGs and innovation. The latest project is a Kickstarter for Beast: The Primordial which is going strong. This is a brand new title, that’s had some controversy and plenty […]